
I Just Might Cry, It's The Funniest Thing

And I looked back at you one more time.
No, I didn't just look.
I stared at you again.
I didn't even want to blink.
I wanted to remember the strain in your expression, the curve of your hand on your hip, the stress in your finger as you scratched your eyebrow, the three wrinkles in your forehead.
I wanted to burn it into my mind for future use.
For when I missed you.
So I don't even have to try to remember, you're just there when I blink.
I even think I opened my mouth to say something, but I just let out the saddest little gasp of air.

And somewhere under your blanket of disappointment, I would just love to know what you have burned in your eyes.

7:33 p.m. - 2012-05-20


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