

it's not even been a week.
6 fucking days.
6 mother fucking days.
that is all.

i honestly feel like i've been holding my breath for a year. and it has only been 6 days.
i can see why so many military marriages do not last. it is hard to be married to some one who is constantly gone, putting themselves in the most dangerous situation possible. it takes a huge emotional toll on you. it is hard to support some one who has the job that he has.
but i do.
i always will.
he can be gone as many times as he wants, as long as he comes home safe and sound after.

it's hard to explain that level of love.
i'd pay any price for it.
i'd wait forever.

i just think he is one in a million.

8:04 p.m. - 2011-02-02


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