
i'll write it on my own time.

life is so messy. so full of little pieces that add up to a bigger puzzle. and sometimes i can't collect them all in my tiny little hands. and all that leads to are big gaps in my picture.
i'm ready to get messy.

i'm scared to go. i'm scared of leaving everything else behind, for my one puzzle piece. but without him, there is no picture at all. he's that final corner piece that just keeps the entire thing together. without him, its not even worth starting the project at all.

i can't tell if i'm crying because i'm scared, or scared because i'm crying. because. well, just because.
i've got so many lessons to learn. dirty lessons. i'm just ready to get tangled up with him in all of them.

9:38 p.m. - 2007-02-27


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