
this is the end.

i knew this from the beginning.
nothing but space and time ever kept me from love.
and no matter the circumstance, i have loved like there will never be another chance to love.
i know what its like to want another day, to wish for just one more moment in time to make up for all the times you slacked off.

once you told me to lay with you for just 5 more minutes. and i refused.
and i spent a whole entire 6 months wanting those 5 minutes back. i spent 6 entire months wanting just 5 small minutes to show you 5 more minutes of love.

and now its me who can't get the equation right. but dont get me wrong, i never plan on loving anyone like this again.
only you boy.
only you.

10:48 p.m. - 2006-09-17


hosted by DiaryLand.com