

when she tells me that i have to sort my shit out, even if it hurts, i know that she is right.
which means that you are right.
which means that i am wrong.

i can't expect anyone else to be my anchor.

some part of me wishes i could walk out on myself sometimes. its impossible to make your legs in opposite directions without breaking yourself in half.
between my heart and my mind is this area where i wish all of my words could come from. the middle ground that rests too deep to speak for itself.
you care about me for a reason. because you found something in me that no one else did.
and obviously you still see it.

except, for the first time, i don't want to do this for you.
i want to do this for my brain.
so i can sleep better at night.
so i can stop crying.
but more importantly so i can be happy.

6:15 p.m. - 2006-07-03


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