
one, two, three....

maybe there is less in number two. that number one always had more substance. which makes no mathematical sense, because the bigger the number, the more quantity.
maybe i've set a precedent over how much compared to the quality. even if when i talked about substance, i was talking about both the facts of matter.

i'm through playing games. i passed go, in fact i believe i'm on my third or fourth go around. i'm pretty tired of not collecting my fucking 200 bucks. but i feel i have a good chance.
now whether you are going to let me roll out of turn or not is up to you....boy.

so, whether or not you would call this a second chance is a matter of your own opinion. and i've learned that its only best to keep those to yourself.
i'd like to say that this is everything that i've wanted, but then i guess i'd be lying. and that would make me no better than the next person, right???

i wish there was some kind of fast forward button on this thing.

11:48 p.m. - 2006-03-28


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