
your just a line in a song.

after last night's events, and all the text messages and phone calls, i shed a few tears. i can't help but say that i am a bit disappointed. i had everything i wanted in one small room, i guess i just thought that you were so much more than this.
and it made me look at myself in a whole new light. assuming is a killer feeling, literally, assuming will tear you to pieces, and eat you alive. seriously. you assumed, and from there it was history, i broke the fuck down.

and maybe i've been lying to myself, and maybe i am nothing better than you. but at least i've been real. i havent pretended to be anything more than what i am. even if all this time i've been terrified of what i turned out to be, i've admitted, confessed, and poured it out right in front of you.
i hate when you are right. but most importantly, i hate when i am wrong.
so, i mean, what if history really does repeat itself? would it really be that bad?

11:14 a.m. - 2006-01-16


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