
if you're going to fight a war over nothing, it's best to join the side thats gonna win.

he called to tell me that he wasn't three continents away, but merely three states. and all these feelings just flew. and all the time i said i wouldn't get excited. but when he calls to brag about it, i can't help but crack the slightest smile. and i know that those were all his intentions were, just to get some kind of emotion. and even if i gave him everything he wanted, i guess after a year separation from life as he knew it, a break up with me, and fighting a war, he kind of deserves it.
but i'm glad that he calls, and we can talk. and i'm glad that he constently admits that i am his best friend, and he confides these feelings in me.
so, i guess this relationship, how FUCKED it has been since day one, has become more than just a safety net for us both, it's become real.
strange how that works out.
but that doesn't necessarily mean that there is going to be an "us" that just means that we've are more important as a team than as individual players.

enough about that. i'm sick of thinking, i'm ready for the doing.
i've always been a sucker for action, and i hate words if they aren't followed by some movement.
my friends and i are going to celebrate the good doctor's birthday tonight, by throwing dr. martin luther king a little bit of a early birthday party. really, it's the first time in awhile that we will all be together in the same room. and really, thats all that matters to me.

i feel like i've found my mind. and it turns out after all that i didn't want peace in the first place. i hate silence. it's all too dull for me.

8:01 p.m. - 2006-01-15


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