

math and science, and reason can't answer every question that i have. because why is it when you bring two people together in love, you only get one? maybe i'm not meant to hold it. my hands are so small, and when we fall to pieces, its incredibly hard to catch them all. i like to think i kept most of them together. maybe i'll blame it on the glue. for not holding us together. it would be zero fun to be a bug. i want, want want. i want beauty. i want beauty in love. in friendship. i want to have my hand held. i want to scrape my eyelashes on your face. i want to laugh. i want this coach purse that i can't afford right now. but i want to bring all of this together into one. and math just doesn't allow that. at least right now.

12:00 a.m. - 2005-11-22


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