
don't bother to write.

i guess i always feel it necessary to write a goodbye entry.
for all that you all know, i'm dead. and i think i like it that way.
there is no better way than keeping things secret.

sometimes i divide my life into eras. depending on the relationship that i just came out of. and i guess this time it is no different. and this time, there is nothing left to look at. and i certainly will wave it goodbye tomorrow morning when the garbage man picks up the big green trash can, because thats where everything is.
i know what its like to be thrown on my ass. i've handled it before, and there is nothing different about it this time...meaning that i'm not going to let it get me down again. i can handle it. anything. everything.

my love for my friends has grown tremendously. and as we are breaking up, hooking up, getting back together, we all show our most vulnerable and weak points to each other. something that i've missed. because its been hard to let myself be vulnerable. i'm having fun. standing on my own two feet for once.
i'm not crying, i'm not worrying, and i'm not stressing. i'm just being veronica...something that i lost in between the mess i let everything become. and it feels good to laugh at myself for ever getting that down. about anything.
leslie broke up with her boyfriend last night. and all she could say is "i want to be strong, like you. i want to be able to move on."
i'm veronica. and i've found people that love that about me.
now, whether i make a new one or not, i don't have the time right now. but don't worry about me, i've never been better.
so, its been fun.
good, good bye.

9:20 a.m. - 2005-10-20


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