
short term memory.

so, after much resistence, i returned my amazing mountain bike. not only because it was about an inch or so too big, but it was way too nice for a beginner. and today, instead of spending my own money, my mother bought me another bike.
but, to my dismay, i might have to have knee surgery. i go to get an MRI done some time this week. (spalding has to set up the appointment because they are paying for my medical bills). i don't ever remember hurting my knee, really. i just remember that it hurt. the trainer believes that i tore a ligament. which could be minor enough for it to heal itself, or since i have been ignoring it for a month now, could be severe. and since my tolerance for pain never ceases to amaze me, it could be worse that it feels. and now, its swollen and my latteral movement is minimal. this could be a season ending injury. it made me cry.
so, a new bike. and i can't ride it until i figure out what the hell is going on with my leg.

and we have 4 games this week.

my birthday is tomorrow. i will no longer be a teenager.

12:20 p.m. - 2005-09-05


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