
i dont think your ready for this jelly.

i am feeling better. i went to the gym tonight. ive talked to chris for a couple days in a row and we havent had one tense moment, its been the loveliest conversation. its weird, but things are better than ever between us. spring break is in a little over a week. and so far (cross your fingers) florida plans this summer keep getting better by the second.
ive learned so much about myself in the past few weeks. and i could find it discouraging that there is still so much that i dont know. its nice to find things on your own...especially because ive never been on my own. the people i chose to surround myself in are beautiful. i dont like people that arent. i plan on living a drama free life....so if you plan on causing any type of confrontation, you might want to step out of the way. ive only grown stronger, and its become so easy for me to brush things off my shoulders.
im a rock.
and thats how i ought to be.

9:30 p.m. - 2005-03-02


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