

i cried last night, but for the first time because i am happy. because things between us are simply beautiful. and even though i want you here, i wouldnt ask for anything different. and the fact that i can feel what you say is true, makes it even better. and we are growing, together. in this situation most would just fall apart. this is real veronica, dont let it go.
other than that, school is stressing me the fuck out. i have a big research paper due next friday, and i havent even fucking thought about it until last night. and i dont know when i will actually start on it. fuck. i always get myself into these situations.
school. work. gym. my day is fucking full until like 9 tonight. and i tried to sleep until 8 today, but i woke up at 7 anyway. fuck, i hate when that happens. i need to go get ready for school.

8:03 a.m. - 2005-01-13


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