
this is my sundown.

fuck the garbage men for coming to pick up trash so early...it woke me up.
i needed to get up, i have some errands to run before i go into work.
i havent been having the best week.
my hair is in knots...and i have remants of mascara under my eyes. im a fucking train wreck.
my head is in my hands. im hurting. im hurting so bad right now. and i wish that you could understand. and i wish that you would make this better...because i obviously cant do it on my own.
i want to go to like cincinnati tonight, to just walk around, eat dinner. maybe i just want to get out. and i dont think cincinnati is far enough away.
im leaving, and i dont want to come back.

8:51 a.m. - 2004-11-05


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