
this isn't about money.

we've begun studying buddhism...
we watched a video today on the dali lahma.
heres what i think about religion...i dont like the idea of organized religion. its scares me. to me, it feels like a cult. and i'm not all about that. i believe that everyone has spirituality, even if they dont believe in god. everyone needs something to hold on to. whether they confide in a person, a feeling, something they saw or read about. everyone needs something. that something will make it easier to wake up in the morning, to look in the mirror, to do anything that may need a bit of courage. and to me, that is my religion. i confide in the things i respect/trust/love at the moment. most of the times i look in myself. i believe in god. i may not attend church but to me, god is means more than anything to me. i think god works through people, god works through me, god works through things....and that is why i look within things for the spirituality i need.
so, if that makes sense....
im in love. i really am in love. and i find myself still falling in love everyday. god, i hope that he still feels it to...please god, let him still feel it.

1:16 p.m. - 2004-10-25


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