
we are the girls that everyone is jealous of.

i guess it wasnt enough.
i guess it never is.
but i guess i can reassure in other ways.
i can be the best.
i am the best.
because god already knows im better than them.
i want to leave you speechless everytime.

i had so much fucking fun at cassidy's last night. i swear, my fucking friends are the funniest people alive. i hate the fact that they dont understand that i dont want to drink. not once did i have a desire to drink. no one else cares except leslie, and she is the one person that i would think would be the most understanding. we are growing apart. i guess we used to want the same thing in life. and now, we dont see eye to eye on anything. and this "no drinking" thing for me seems like its too much of a problem for her to understand.
so, there goes another best friend. over something so fucking stupid. and i guess thats why i have the biggest problem with it.

i guess we have to learn that life goes on. it always does.

10:11 a.m. - 2004-10-07


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