
why cant you just be happy?

youve got me so removed..
boy youve got me so confused.

hopefully i wont spend the night wasting away on the internet. i need some hardcore study time, for sure. i found out today that we cant use our books and notes in finite math. i had been misled....how the fuck do you study for math? and i missed yesterday because i would rather nap with my boyfriend than attend class....but only one day left. yea, thats right, one day left. i know my 4.0 will not withstand, im planning B's actually in all my classes this session, but its cool....i cant complain with a B. im craving chinese food, and will not be happy until i get some. so here i go, i will devote myself to this hopeless cause called studying.

6:27 p.m. - 2004-09-29


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