

chris came over last night....he isnt supposed to come back to louisville, but he did, just to see me. and when he left, i treated him like shit, totally forgetting the fact that he came up to see me. i guess, right before he left, things were a bit rocky. and nohting really was solved by the time he wanted to leave. so ive been trying to forget, just let it go, but thats absolutely impossible for me to do of course. so, ive just been hanging around, with all this weighing down on me. and i finally got the chance to say something, and it all came out wrong. and by the time he called me back last night we were both too tired to try to solve anything. hes coming back on wednesday to see me because i get done with soccer at 7:30 instead of 9. and then, im going to go see him sometime. i knew there was no way 2 weeks would last. one of us had to snap and just go see the other. he just got to it before i could. and im thankful. im thankful that this boy loves me. thank you, god.

7:56 a.m. - 2004-08-17


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