
at night i pray that soon your face will fade away.

everytime i type in the url for this site, i always put in dairyland.....not diaryland. and it takes me to some crazy dairy site. haha.

anyway, i like this quote, i wrote it a long time ago, in my old diary. thanks for finding it. "everything that is beautiful to me is dying. but i guess that doesnt mean when its dead that its not beautiful. because no matter how ugly it feels, beauty lasts forever, whether it's dead or not."

im in a weird mood. im hungry and there is nothing to eat at my grandma's house. so looks like im cooking breakfast for lunch again. im bored, and i want to do something really fun. right now, tonight, this weekend. some time. i'll pray.

i cant find my cell phone. fuck. that sucks.

1:00 p.m. - 2004-07-16


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