
lets count on forever

so, heres to the end to my first year of college. only 3 more fucking years in this place, and then...who knows the possibilities. weird to think only 3 more years of playing soccer.

and as for you....when you have to leave me for awhile, ill wait...i wouldnt know what else to do. but, remember that you still have to promise something for me as well.

so, im sitting here, at school with some friends of mine. i like when you have the most unimportant conversation with someone and enjoy yourself.

and there is this guy sitting next to me and he keeps screaming "what in the hell. oh my god. what in the hell." and im not sure if i should get up and run or sit here and try to figure out what he is looking at on the computer.

i hate when i feel like i need to be in 2 different places at one time.

lets bottle this feeling up, because something this good deserves to be kept, for as long as time allows.

how the hell did i find such an amazing person to share my time with? man, im one fucking lucky girl.

im going to go to class, hopefully we wont be long in there. and i like how as soon as i step out of my car, it started to rain.

time flies when we are together. i hate it.

9:36 a.m. - 2004-06-17


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