
most importantly, fuck you.

ok, finally it will let me write my entry, and i cant think of one word to say. its raining outside, i think that describes more than just the weather, its really, well, my mood...rainy. one more dissapointment. just one more thing to wait for. actually, 3 things to wait for...a smile, you, and the sun. i think those things go hand in hand. well, at least i need all these things. god, i want to breathe out, maybe never breathe in anything again. and how is it looking on the inside? well, come on in and find out for youself. am i scared? me? scared? ha, i laugh in the face of danger. and if laughing doesnt fool you, well i'll scream and run. running away doesnt solve anything, but it sure as hell gets you away from it as fast as possible. i like that idea. im leaving, fast, i dont want to see you. i dont want to see anything. i just want to hear my feet smacking the fucking pavement. maybe you will smack the pavement. im not sure im that lucky.

6:53 p.m. - 2004-06-09


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