
chris is my heart.

so yesterday, woke up with chris next to me. went to his house. saw him wear some hot hot sunglasses. went to lynns paradise cafe. we had a nice chat. went home just in time for tornado warnings. took a shower. took a nap. chris came back over. went on a bike ride. started an amazing bike club. i need a little practice because i couldnt make it up the hill. chris almost got hit by a car. worked up a nice sweat. went to chris's. smooched until the tornado came around again. smooched after the tornado. went to sleep smooching. woke up at 6:30 this morning and went home. he had to work. went back to sleep when i got hom until 9. going shopping today with amanda. we've spent the last 3 nights together. i believe shrek 2 date tonight. im really fucking happy. yea, so maybe i was in love before. but it got old, fast. this time, its different. its fun, its exciting, its new. im floating. im in love. and the best part, things are only getting better.

9:43 a.m. - 2004-05-31


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