
goodbye world.

this is one of those fucking days where i dont know what to think. i dont want to hurt anymore, ever again. i dont want to cry to sleep and wake up with these big fucking puffy eyes. i miss everything right now. it all accumulated into this one fucking moment and its overwhelming and i dont know whether to cry or just fucking shoot myself. and the best part...im at school and cant do a thing about it but take my quiz that i havent studied for, come home and sit and then go back to class this afternoon. i miss my bed. i miss my dog. i miss my old relationship with my mom. i miss laughing. i miss chris. and right now, its really fucking strange, but i miss my old best friend. i miss people writing good things about me for everyone to read. i feel like im going to explode, so before that happens, i might as well say my fucking goodbyes. im not even sure why the fuck i right in this fucking thing. its not like anyones listening and if they are, it sure as fuck doesnt feel like they care....why the hell am i acting like this. i think im having an anxiety attack. why do i have to be at school when this happens. fucking fuck.

9:25 a.m. - 2004-04-15


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