
run for the door

im thinking that one of us should sprout some wings, even if they are small, just big enough to get out of here. just so we could fly away to a place where no one can touch us and we can only touch each other. and if the wings dont work out, we'll just take the bus in the morning. yea, the bus will do.

soccer practice cancelled today due to the massive rain fall. i hate rain. i wish it would just go away. test in biology tomorrow..dont want to study. just think only 35 days of actual school left....and then, busy busy because of soccer starting. im not going to have a summer at all. i feel like i have a lot to say, but im just not emotionally ready today to deal with them. im just sick of my mom and my sister. but i give up on that subject because obviously i havent cried enough over it. haha, maybe i should cry more. im not sure that is humanly possible. maybe nothing with me is humanly possible.

6:11 p.m. - 2004-04-12


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