
i went from wearing turtlenecks to panties.

what if there is a dream within a dream, and your not sure which one started off first, so you get lost in this tangle of two worlds all collided into one memory. and you cant pick apart which one you would rather be in, so your stuck in this part between where you really want to be and where you cant help but being. in one dream, there are no such things as nightmares, just dreams that are worse than others, so no one thing can be blamed exactly for making you think bad things. and you want to put your finger on whats really going on, but your some how out of control and cant wake up, your eyes just wont open. one second its light and the next your stuck in the dark and you cant tell what your living in or stepping through. and at first you thought that maybe one dream was bad and the other was good, but as you keep on sleeping you realize that maybe both are horrible and thats why you cant tell the difference. and you wake up sweating and even sometimes crying. but as you come out of the daze you realize that it wasnt all a dream, it was actually your life, and the whole time you were awake you were really dreaming and while you were dreaming you were really awake. what happens when you finally get it all together you want to go back to not knowing? or what happens when you realize that the truth really will set you free? what happens then?

i fucked up my archives "older" page, and i dont know how to fix it. hm.....sucks.

8:40 p.m. - 2004-03-14


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