
on the carpet.

my sister called to tell me that they cut down the tree in my grandparent's backyard. she said the roots were destroying the carport.
i think i just kept saying "wow." but i'm not sure. i can't remember. thats how much it hurt.
so, naturally, at 11 last night, i had a panic attack. and i cried. and stayed up entirely too late for my alarm to go off at 6:45.

lately, i've been down in the dumps more than i've been happy. i come home and talk to my dogs. and i just wish so badly they could talk back to me. i just want a little conversation in this house.
not just for convenience.
but for comfort.
matter of fact, i don't even care if you say a word. your presence alone would speak volumes.

8:40 p.m. - 2011-05-20


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